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Winner in the category Architecture +Small Projects for the project: Santa Maria Goretti Church, Mormanno, Italy

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Winner in the category Religious Buildings & Memorials for the project: Santa Maria Goretti Church, Mormanno, Italy

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Second Award in the category Public Building (Built) for the project: Santa Maria Goretti Church, Mormanno, Italy

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Special mention to the project: Garden of the New Surgical and Emergency Centre of the San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy

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Winner in the category Equipamiento Publico for the project: Museo dell’Arte - Fondazione Luigi Rovati, Milan, Italy

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Winner in the category Restoration/Renovation for the project: Palazzo Senza Tempo, Peccioli, Italy

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Winner in the category Best Firm

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Winner in the category Residential for the project: SeiMilano, Milan, Italy

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Winner in the category Educational for the project: New Roma Tre University Rectorate, Rome, Italy

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Winner in the category Sustainable achievement for the project: TECLA - Technology and Clay, Massa Lombarda, Italy

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Winner in the category Educational Buildings for the project: New Roma Tre University Rectorate, Rome, Italy

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Third Award in the category Private Residence (Large Concept) for the project: SeiMilano, Milan, Italy

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Winner for the project: The House of Music of Pieve di Cento, Italy

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Winner in the category Religious for the project: Santa Maria Goretti Church, Mormanno, Italy

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Winner in the category Architectural Design for the project: Palazzo Senza Tempo, Peccioli, Italy

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Winner in the category Religious and Spiritual and Honorable Mention for the project: Santa Maria Goretti Church, Mormanno, Italy

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Winner in the category Architecture/Educational & Sports for the project: New Roma Tre University Rectorate, Rome, Italy

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Recognition to MCA for distinguishing itself in the launch and implementation of sustainable and inclusive development paths, with the aim of generating value for stakeholders and the community

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Recognition to Mario Cucinella for Urban Quality, Biennale di Pisa, Italy

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Winner in the Lighting Category and Special Mention for Sustainability for the project: FLEXIA designed by MCA for Artemide

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Honorable Mention in the Architectural Design - Cultural Architecture category to the project: Nuovo Museo dell’Arte Fondazione Rovati - Milano

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Honorable Mention in the Architectural Design - Educational Buildings category

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Finalist project finalist in the category Unbuilt Commercial: Unipol Group Headquarters - Milan, Italy

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Winner project in the category for small and medium-sized enterprise: Workshop Ricostruzione organized by European Commission - Emilia-Romagna, Italy

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Winner project in the category Civic: Arpae - Ferrara, Italy

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Winner project in the category Cultural Venues: Arcipelago Italia, Biennale di Architettura - Venezia, Italy

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Winner in the category Designed Buildings without Radar

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Winner project in the category Earthquake and Renovation: Workshop Ricostruzione - Emilia Romagna, Italy

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Winner project in the category Educational: Guastalla School - Reggio Emilia, Italy

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Winner project in the category Best School: Guastalla School - Reggio Emilia, Italy

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Winner project: One Airport Square - Ghana, South Africa

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Recognition to Mario Cucinella for exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society on an international level

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Winner project in the category, Integration into the urban context: Masterplan San Berillo, Catania, Italy

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Special mention in the category Educational to the project: Guastalla School - Reggio Emilia, Italy

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Recognition to Mario Cucinella by the Honours Committee of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

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Special mention. to the project: Guastalla School - Reggio Emilia, Italy

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Winner project: Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library - Volta Lake, Ghana

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Winner project: ARPT New Headquarters - Algiers, Algeria

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Winner project in the category Best Office Architecture: One Airport Square - Accra, Ghana

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Winner project: Kuwait School - Gaza, Palestine

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Lifetime achievement award to Mario Cucinella

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Second prize project in the category Class Architecture: SIP – Shopping center – Parma Real Estate Development - Breganzola, Parma, Italy

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Winner project in the category Green Building: 3M Italia Headquarter - Pioltello, Milan, Italy

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Special mention for Sustainability to Mario Cucinella Architects

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Lifetime achievement award to Mario Cucinella

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Winner project in the category Best Environmentally Friendly Building: CSET Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Ningbo - China

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Winner project in the category Green Building: CSET Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Ningbo - China

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Winner project in the category Residences: Casa 100k

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Winner project in the category Sustainability: ARPAE Headquarters - Ferrara, Italy

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Winner project: SIEEB Sino Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building - Beijing China.

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Winner project: SIEEB Sino Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building - Beijing, China.

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Honorable mention for the Care of architectural and construction elements of the project: SIEEB Sino Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building - Beijing China

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Winner project: SIEEB Sino Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building - Beijing China

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Winner project: Bergognone 53 - Milan, Italy

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Winner project: Ex Casa di Bianco - Cremona, Italy

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Winner project in the environmental category: Ministry of Tourism - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Special mention Outstanding Architect to Mario Cucinella

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Recognition to Mario Cucinella

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Winner project in the Design category: Woody - designed by Mario Cucinella for iGuzzini Illuminazione

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Winner project: BO Pavillon, Bologna, Italy

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Honorable mention to Mario Cucinella

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Winner project: iGuzzini Illuminazione New Headquarters, Recanati, Italy